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Image by Michael Dam

Membership Plans

Treatment plans should address specific skin concerns or maintenance beauty treatments unique to you! For this reason we develop Unique to You Payment Plans that take everything into consideration, such as what you would like to achieve, if you have appointment availability constraints, how much down time you are prepared to have following a treatment, and your budget.​


Bespoke plans are customised for you and therefore we need to perform a Skin Analysis and consultation to truly understand you and your skins needs.  From here we develope a treatment plan uniquely curated for you!


Our Unique to You Facial plan allows you to maintain your results with a regular facial, also unique to you and your skin concerns.  Receive added benefits of discounts on other services, so you can top up (or maintain) those advanced treatments you may have undertaken while on a bespoke plan. 

When you visit the dentist for a filling you don't go home and stop brushing your teeth, or have a scale and clean periodically to maintain healthy teeth and gums, and the same principal applies to skin health.  Its not a one facial fix and your done. 

Prevent, correct and maintain!


Not only do we have skin treatment payment plans, but now managing your everyday beauty treatments will be easier to budget for, with our specific beauty plans with added perks.






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